Talking Points
Blessed Karl's story has universal appeal. His story touches North Americans, Latin Americans, Asians, Africans, and Europeans. His faith inspires Catholic men and women, husbands and fathers, military men, politicians, and heads-of-state. His influence reaches out beyond the borders of Austria and the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, and embraces the world with his Christian example. Below are some talking points for sharing Karl’s life and witness with others.
In a world where many do not believe in God, we need Blessed Karl's faith.
At a time when tradition is lost or cast aside, we need Blessed Karl’s steadfast devotion to the good, the true, and the beautiful.
When the earth’s resources are wasted and pillaged, we need Blessed Karl’s resolute duty to steward God’s creation.
Where millions suffer from illness and infirmity, we need the example of Karl, who bore all trials and tribulations with the words: "Thy Will be done!"
Where the world is indifferent to the poor and needy, we need Karl's example of charity and almsgiving.
Where abortion is perceived as birth control, we need Emperor Karl's compassion and care for all human life.
Where many groups and peoples are marginalized, we need the Emperor’s openness to diversity and inclusion he exercised across his vast empire.
Where there are couples living together without benefit of a committed relationship and marriage, we need Karl of Austria's example of Christian matrimony.
Where divorce is rampant, and absentee parents are all too common, we need Karl's steadfast love for his wife, children, and family.
Where time is wasted on things that are fleeting, we need Karl’s sacrificial attitude to family and relationships.
In lands where politicians rely on polls to create their policies rather than on moral and ethical principles, we need the moral conviction of Emperor Karl.
Where politicians seek office for personal gain, we need the selflessness of King Karl of Hungary.
Where Catholic politicians vote against Catholic teaching—and their conscience—in order to stay in office, we need the fidelity to the teachings of Christ and the Church exhibited by Blessed Karl.
Where laws are made to benefit wealthy lobbyists rather than common people, we need the example of Karl's love and concern for people of every race, background, and social class.
Where war, strife, discord and conflict abound, we need the passion for peace of the last Habsburg Monarch.
Blessed Karl of Austria must be canonized; not because he needs it, but because we need his inspiring and selfless example.
Beatus Carolus—Ora Pro Nobis