Prayers to Blessed Karl
“From the beginning, the Emperor Charles conceived of his office as a holy service to his people. His chief concern was to follow the Christian vocation to holiness also in his political actions. For this reason, his thoughts turned to social assistance. May he be an example for all of us…!"
Pope Saint John Paul II
Homily from the Beatification Mass, 2004
Beatification Prayers
The following two prayers were prepared for Karl’s Beatification.
God our Father, through the gift of Blessed Emperor Karl You have given us an example to follow. In extremely difficult times he performed his burdensome tasks without ever losing his faith. He always followed Your Son, the true King.
He led a humble life, sincerely loving the poor and giving himself heart and soul to the search for peace. Even when his life was in danger he trusted in You, putting his life in Your hands. Almighty and Merciful God, by the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl, we pray that You may give us his unconditional faith to support us in our most difficult situations, and the courage to always follow the example of Your only Son.
Open our hearts to the poor, and strengthen our commitment for peace within our families and among all peoples. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Imprimator: Archdiocese of Vienna, Vicar Apostolic Dr. Franz Schuster
O Blessed Emperor Karl, you accepted the difficult tasks and burdensome challenges that God gave you during your life. In every thought, decision and action you trusted always in the Holy Trinity. We pray to you to intercede for us with the Lord our God to give us faith and courage, so that even in the most difficult situations of our earthly lives we may not lose heart, but continue faithfully in the footsteps of Christ.
Ask for us the grace that our hearts may be moulded into the likeness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Help us to work with compassion and strength for the poor and needy, to fight with courage for peace in our homes and in the world, and in every situation to trustingly place our lives in the hands of God, until we reach Him, as you did, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Imprimator: Archdiocese of Vienna, Vicar Apostolic Dr. Franz Schuster
Prayers by the Gebetsliga Through the Years
The following six prayers span decades in the process of Karl’s Cause for Canonization. Former reference titles in the prayers such as “Servant of God” or “Venerable” have been updated to reflect the title “Blessed.”
Almighty God, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, in Your infinite fatherly love you are keeping watch over the fate of men and nations. You called Your servant, Emperor and King Karl of the House of Austria, to serve as a father to his peoples in difficult times and to promote peace with all his strength. By sacrificing his life, he sealed his willingness to fulfill Your holy will. Grant us the grace, with his intercession, to follow his example and serve the true cause of peace, which we find in the faithful fulfillment of Your holy will. We ask this through him, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for special grace through the intercession of Blessed Emperor and King Karl of the House of Austria
Holy Trinity, I adore you from the bottom of my heart and thank You for the gifts You have granted to Blessed Karl of the House of Austria. As a result of his deep Faith, he gave his entire life in selfless and willing service to Your divine Glory and the well-being of those entrusted to him.
Strengthen us through his helping intercession when discouragement, loneliness, lack of readiness to forgive others, and sickness oppress us, and grant us through his intercession a good death.
Through the intercession of Blessed Karl of the House of Austria, in Your mercy, also hear my personal request _____.
Praise and thanks be to You, eternal and almighty God, now and forever. Amen. -
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, You are the refuge of the poor and weak. We ask that You have pity on us and grant us the grace to follow the virtuous example of Your servant Karl of Austria, and we petition you through the Immaculate Heart of Your dear and holy Mother, to whom nothing You can refuse, to quickly deem him worthy of public veneration as a saint. Amen.
O Mighty God, for the sake of the Sacred Heart of Your Son, help us and all nations in our time of need. Take our prayers and sacrifices as an expiation for injustices everywhere. Help us to follow the example of Your servant Karl of Austria, who, despite having suffered indignities, slander, and exile, remained faithful and sought always to do Your will. May his fidelity soon bring him to the honor of public veneration as a saint.* We ask this through Your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who with You lives and reigns, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
Almighty God, from all eternity You called Your servant Karl to the dignity of being the sovereign and father of many nations, and singled him out to walk the royal way of the cross. We humbly beseech You that he may be accorded the honor of public veneration as a saint,* and that, following the example of his virtues we may be given the grace to transform our hearts evermore into the likeness of the Most Sacred Heart of Your beloved Son. We ask this through the same Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, the redemption You won for us gives the world order and peace, which we too often refuse. Mercifully receive our work and prayer as an atonement for all injustices done against Your Most Sacred Heart and against all religious and earthly authority through rebellion and war. May our prayers and sacrifices help bring peace to the world, and atone the multiple injustices, indignities, and slander done against Your servant Karl of Austria, and bring him soon to the honor of public veneration as a saint. Amen.