Blessed Karl Symposium in Washington, DC

Blessed Karl Symposium in Washington, DC

Tickets are going fast!

Join the Gebetsliga’s North American and Croatian branches for a special Mass, Symposium, and fellowship dinner on March 29, 2025 in Washington, DC. Speakers include: Princess Maria Anna Gallitzine, Archduke Paul Habsburg, Count Markus Paar of Austria, Count Mario Festetics of Croatia and Hungary, and Dame Suzanne Pearson.

Dinner is $100. For tickets and information, email Jeff Bedia.

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Blessed Karl Evening in Dallas, TX

Blessed Karl Evening in Dallas, TX

Claritas Men is honored to host David Ross, founder of the Blessed Emperor Karl Symposium, for an evening celebrating the faith, courage, and duty of Blessed Karl. David will explore Blessed Karl's legacy that challenges men to stand firm in God, even when the world turns against them.

Event Schedule:

  • 6: 00 PM Whiskey Tasting • Cured Meats • Cigars on Patio

  • 7:15 PM Opening Prayer

  • 7:30 PM Guest Speaker: David Ross

  • 8:15 PM Q&A

  • 8:30 PM Closing

Claritas Men is a Catholic fellowship for men aged 18 and above that meets quarterly. There is no charge for admittance or fees for the venue, cured meats, and spirits.  However, if you would like to help offset the cost for this event and help us bring in speakers from out of town, cash donations are appreciated.

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Pilgrimage to Madeira in October
to Oct 21

Pilgrimage to Madeira in October

Join Frs. Austin Barnes and Mark Moriarty for a 9-day Marian pilgrimage to Fatima and the Island of Madeira October 13-21, 2025.

Our Lady has always had a special place in her heart for Portugal, a land that she promised the visionary and mystic Sr. Lucia would "never lose the Faith." Join us as we explore this incredible Catholic land, forever renowned with its Marian sanctuary - Fatima - one of the largest in the world. 

As we explore the culture, art, history, food, and unbroken Faith in Portugal, we will journey to the fascinating resort island of Madeira, since 1922 the final resting place of Blessed Karl, the last of the Holy Roman Emperors. Due to the tumult of the First World War and its aftermath, Karl died in exile on the island and is today on the path to sainthood. 

This Portugal experience is enhanced by a custom itinerary with an expert local guide who will share true stories and untold blessings. Be sure to bring your prayer intentions!

Double Occupancy Price: $4,995* | Single Occupancy Price: $5,995*

*Price includes cash discount and group airfare

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Mass for Blessed Karl and Lecture in Washington, DC

Mass for Blessed Karl and Lecture in Washington, DC

The Washington Oratorians invite you to a Solemn Mass for the Feast of Emperor Karl on October 21, 2024, at 7pm. They are proud to welcome Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, great-granddaughter of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita as the Mass’ special guest. Following the Mass will be a lecture by author and historian Charles Coulombe. He will give a lecture on Emperor Karl and Empress Zita. Admission is free.

On July 10, 2013, His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl established the Community-in-Formation of the Oratory in the Archdiocese of Washington, and the Holy See established the Community as an Oratory of Pontifical Right on February 2, 2024. As a community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers, they take as their exemplar St. Philip Neri, a 16th century priest known as the Apostle of Rome. They currently number five members and are committed to serving St. Thomas Apostle Parish in Woodley Park, and the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area. To learn more about their work and mission, visit their website.

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Mass and Reception of Relic for Shrine in Cincinnati, OH

Mass and Reception of Relic for Shrine in Cincinnati, OH

Join Old St. Mary’s Parish and the Oratorians of Cincinnati for Mass and the reception of Blessed Karl’s relic in preparation for the newest Shrine to Blessed Karl in North America.

Old St. Mary's is the oldest church in Cincinnati and, since 2017, home to The Cincinnati Oratory, a society of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. The church was organized in 1840 by German immigrants, at a time of dramatic growth in the city's population. True to it’s roots, Old St. Mary’s continues to promote holiness, sanctity, and Catholic Culture in the Over-the-Rhine area and greater Cincinnati and continues to host a German Mass each Sunday.

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Divine Liturgy for Blessed Karl in Zagreb, Croatia

Divine Liturgy for Blessed Karl in Zagreb, Croatia

  • Greek Catholic Co-Cathedral of St. Cyril and Methodius (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Beatification of Emperor Karl , the League of Prayer Croatia cordially invites you to Holy Mass on his Feast Day, October 21, 2024, at 6pm.

The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom will be offered by His Excellency Msgr. Milan Stipić, Bishop and Eparch of Križevci, at the Greek Catholic Co-Cathedral of St. Cyril and Methodius, Zagreb, Croatia.

Following the Mass, messages from His Holiness, Pope Francis, His Royal Highness, Archduke Paul Habsburg-Lothringen, and the Gebetsliga Croatia will be shared. All are welcome to attend!

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

The Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre invites you to Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. Home to a Shrine of Blessed Karl, the Basilica received a relic of Blessed Karl in October 2015  in the presence of over 400 people. To visit there website, click here.

Following the Mass will be veneration of a 1st Class relic of Blessed Karl with prayers and litanies.

Rev. Marc Lamotte, Vicar, Basilica of Tongre

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Sung Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

Sung Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

Join faithful from around the country on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 10:30am for a Solemn sung Mass (Novus Ordo) at St. Mary Mother of God Parish in Washington, DC, in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. The Mass will feature the world premiere of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria by Paul Jernberg. Jernberg composed the work and will serve as conductor at the premiere.

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A Light for Our Times:  Blessed Karl Conference in Washington, DC
to Oct 20

A Light for Our Times: Blessed Karl Conference in Washington, DC

Join us in Washington, DC, this October for an unforgettable Conference on Blessed Karl: Emperor, Military Commander, Husband, Father, and Saint. This unique Conference will be a time of celebration, inspiration, reflection, discussion and prayer in honor of Blessed Karl. In the various events, we will explore how the life and legacy of this saintly ruler—in continuity with other great leaders throughout history—shed light and inspiration on the challenges we face today. Prominent scholars, clergy, and cultural figures will showcase the radiant witness of his approach to leadership, and how it can help each one of us in our own quest to be wise and faithful leaders.

Conference Schedule

    • 6:30 pm Formal Dinner and Concert at the Eagle’s Club*. The concert of combined choirs and the Washington Chamber Orchestra will perform Lassus, Viadana, J.S. Bach, and F.J. Haydn's Te Deum No. 2.

      *The Eagle's Club is located at 1015 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA. It is a 15-minute walk from the Kings St. - Old Town Blue & Yellow Line Metro Station or by 5-minute ride via Old Town Trolley or Bus.

    • 10:30 am - Solemn sung Mass (novus ordo) at Saint Mary Mother of God, 727 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. The Mass will feature the world premiere of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria by Paul Jernberg. Jernberg composed the work and will serve as conductor at the premiere.

    • 11:45 am Reception in the parish hall following Mass with Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, granddaughter of Blessed Karl

    • 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm Conference and panel discussion at Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall, Catholic University of America.*

    • 5:30pm Vespers at Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall, Catholic University of America.* The sung Roman Vespers service will be led by the Wyoming Catholic College Choir with the musical settings of the text by Paul Jernberg.

      *Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall is located on the campus of Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. It is 50 yards from the CUA-Brookland Red Line Metro Station.

    • 9:00 am Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine, 4250 Harewood Rd, N.E., Washington, D.C.

     or alternatively:

    • 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Saint Joseph’s on Capitol Hill, 313 Second Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.

    • 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Conference and Panel Discussion at Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall, Catholic University of America*.

      *Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall is located on the campus of Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. It is 50 yards from the CUA-Brookland Red Line Metro Station.

Conference Details

    • Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, Granddaughter of Blessed Karl

    • Charles Coulombe, Historian, Author, and Biographer of Blessed Karl

    • Philip Lawler, Veteran Journalist and founding editor of Catholic Culture and Catholic World News

    • Suzanne Pearson, Delegate for the Emperor Karl League of Prayer USA/Canada

    • Kyle Washut, President, Wyoming Catholic College

    • Pavlos Papadopoulos, Professor of Political Philosophy, Wyoming Catholic College

    • Count Mario Festetics de Tolna, Sales Consultant and Order of Saint George, Commander-Slavonian Commandery

    • Fr. David Anderson, Byzantine Catholic Chaplain, Wyoming Catholic College, Historian and Scholar

    • Fr. Benedict Kiely, Founder Director of

    • Domagoj pl. Jurcevic, Head of the House of Nobility in Croatia

    • Paul Jernberg, Composer, Director of Magnificat Institue of Sacred Music, Wyoming Catholic College Choirmaster

    • Eagle’s Club, 1015 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA

    • St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, 313 2nd St NE, Washington, D.C.

    • St. Mary Mother of God Parish (location of the Blessed Karl Shrine), 727 5th St NW, Washington, D.C.

    • The Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine, 4250 Harewood Rd, N.E., Washington, D.C.

    • Della Ratta Auditorium – Maloney Hall, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C.

    • Other locations to be announced!

  • The Friday formal dinner at 6:30 pm is part of the conference package.

    Coffee and donuts will be provided after the Sunday Mass.

    Otherwise, meals will be taken independent of the Conference. A list of fine local restaurants will be provided.

    • Friday evening formal dinner only: $125

    • Saturday only: $75

    • Sunday only: $75

    • Entire Conference, including Friday formal dinner: $200

Information & Registration

Click below to learn more and register. For direct inquiries, email Suzanne Pearson.

Sponsored by

Gebetsliga USA / Canada Wyoming Catholic College Magnificat Institute of Sacred Music St. Joseph’s on Capitol Hill St. Mary Mother of God Church

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Vespers in Honor of Blessed Karl in Washington DC

Vespers in Honor of Blessed Karl in Washington DC

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, immediately after the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass, there will be Vespers in honor of Blessed Karl, followed by veneration of his first-class relic.

This event is especially directed to engaged and married couples. Suzanne Pearson, Gebetsliga USA / Canadian Delegate, will give a short description of Blessed Karl as a powerful patron and intercessor for families and those called to the married life.

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Mass and Symposium in Washington DC

Mass and Symposium in Washington DC

Join faithful for Mass and a symposium on Blessed Karl. With the theme a “Blessed Karl and the Empire,” the symposium will be held at the University Club of Washington DC. Cost to attend is $60 and includes Mass, the symposium, fellowship, and dinner.

Archduke Paul Habsburg, son of Ambassador Eduard Habsburg and Cousin of Blessed Karl, will be welcomed as the Guest of Honor with Count Ante Brešić pl. Mikulić, of the Croatian Royal Council, Gebetsliga Croatia, serving as the Keynote Speaker.

For tickets, R.S.V.P. to by 10 April 2024

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Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas, TX

Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas, TX

Join faithful from around the country for a symposium on Blessed Karl. With the theme a 20th century man whose example is for these times, the symposium will be held at the new and spacious Robinson Fine Arts Center in Plano, Texas.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC, with Archduke Paul Habsburg

Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC, with Archduke Paul Habsburg

Guest of Honor

Archduke Paul Habsburg, Son of Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen, Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and Cousin of Blessed Karl

Following Mass will be veneration of a First Class Relic of Blessed Karl and a reception with a presentation on Blessed Karl in the lower lever in the parish building south of the church.

Metro: Exit at Gallery Place/Chinatown or Judiciary Square.

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Octoberfest in Honor of Blessed Karl

Octoberfest in Honor of Blessed Karl

Join Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish in Irving, TX, for an Octoberfest in Honor of Blessed Karl on his feast day. The morning begins with Mass at 10am followed by an Octoberfest celebration in the pavilion beginning at 11:30am. An Austrian-German fare lunch, with desserts from the Imperial lands, will be served amid sounds of Germany and Austria. Presentations on Blessed Karl and Servant of God Zita follow.

For more information, view the attached event poster.

For vendors and other inquires, contact the Event Organizer, David Ross: (972) 424-9266 or

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

The Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre invites you to Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. Home to a Shrine of Blessed Karl, the Basilica received a relic of Blessed Karl on October 16, 2022,  in the presence of over 400 people. To visit their website, click here.

Following the Mass will be veneration of a 1st Class relic of Blessed Karl.

Rev. Marc LamotteI, Vicar, Basilica of Tongre

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Back-to-Back Lecture Series on Blessed Karl in Washington, DC
to Oct 4

Back-to-Back Lecture Series on Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

In preparation for the Feast of Blessed Karl on October 21, the Emperor Karl League of Prayer invites you to two back-to-back lecture opportunities at St. Mary, Mother of God Church, Washington, DC.

"Patron for Young People" 
September 27, 2023 
7pm to 8pm

"Blessed Karl’s Amazing Faith"
October 4, 2023 
7pm to 8pm

Keynote Speaker: 
Suzanne Pearson, Delegate of the Emperor Karl League of Prayer U.S.A. & Canada

Light refreshments and petite sandwiches will be served in the parish hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Metro: Exit at Gallery Place/Chinatown or Judiciary Square.

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Solemn Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, D.C.

Solemn Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, D.C.

Guest of Honor

Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, Archduchess of Austria and Grand-daughter of Blessed Karl

Veneration of a 1st Class Relic of Blessed Karl will follow the Mass with a reception and program.

All are welcome!

Metro: Exit at Gallery Place/Chinatown or Judiciary Square.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Cincinnati, OH

Mass for Blessed Karl in Cincinnati, OH

The Oratorians of Old Saint Mary’s Church, Cincinnati, invite all to a Low Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Cincinnati on Friday, October 21, 2022, at 6:30pm. There will be a reception after the Mass in the school auditorium, including a presentation by Eric Sammons on the life of Blessed Karl—The Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary from 1916 to 1918, Blessed Karl was called the “Peace Emperor” in light of his struggles for peace in the midst of the ravages of World War I. He was a devoted husband and father, and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2004.

Kid and adult drinks provided, including a specially-commissioned Vienna lager. Please bring a meatless appetizer or dessert to share. For more information, visit their website.

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Divine Liturgy for Blessed Karl in South Deerfield, MA

Divine Liturgy for Blessed Karl in South Deerfield, MA

  • Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church invites you to the Divine Liturgy on Blessed Karl’s Feast Day on October 21, 2022, at 6pm.

Founded in 1920, by Western Ukraine immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Descent of the Holy Spirit Church has become a thriving parish that reflects peoples of varied ethnic backgrounds who have been drawn to the church through the beauty of its Byzantine-Ukrainian heritage. In 2018, a shrine was dedicated to Blessed Karl. For more information, visit their website.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Scranton, PA

Mass for Blessed Karl in Scranton, PA

  • St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday, October 21, 2022, St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church in Scranton, PA, will celebrate a Low Mass for Blessed Karl at 6:00pm. The Mass will be preceded by a Solemn Holy Hour and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 5:00pm. All are invited. For more information, visit the parish website.

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Spiritual Symposium on Blessed Karl in Arlington, VA

Spiritual Symposium on Blessed Karl in Arlington, VA

On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC, will offer a spiritual symposium on Blessed Karl titled “The Supernatural Mission of History.” Sponsored by the Emperor Karl League of Prayer, this event will probe Blessed Karl’s influence during the Centenary of his Heavenly birth. The event will include light refreshments and hors d’ oeuvres.

Cost is $26. To make payment and learn more, please scan the QR code on the poster.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

The Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre invites you to Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. Home to a Shrine of Blessed Karl, the Basilica received a relic of Blessed Karl on October 16, 2022,  in the presence of over 400 people. To visit there website, click here.

Following the Mass will be veneration of a 1st Class relic of Blessed Karl.

Rev. Marc LamotteI, Vicar, Basilica of Tongre

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Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas, TX

Blessed Karl Symposium in Dallas, TX

Karl Franz Josef von Habsburg: an inspiring example as a righteous leader, devoted and faithful husband, tender father and loyal friend. In 1916 halfway through World War I, he ascended the throne of a vast empire at the age of 29. Because he offered peace as an end to the war, he was ridiculed by war mongers who sought the dismantling of his empire.  Betrayed. Beloved. Rejected. Praised. Calumniated…and yet faithful every step of the way. Because he refused to abdicate his throne-which he viewed as his vocation from God-even in the face of violence, he was arrested and, with his whole family, exiled to the Portuguese island of Madeira off the coast of western Africa.  He died-some say of a broken heart- in 1922, in penury, at the age of 34, leaving behind 7 born children and a pregnant wife, the Servant of God Empress Zita. He was beatified by the church of God in 2004.
Come and learn why he is a man for these times and why Karl and Zita are a model for married couples and families!

Symposium Schedule

15 October 2022, 8:30am to 3 p.m.

Plano Event Center, Plano, TX

His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider* From a family originally from Ukraine, and bishop in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan

HIRH Archduke Eduard von Habsburg* — Hungarian Ambassador to The Holy See, currently living in Rome, and great-great-great grandson of Bl. Karl’s predecessor Emperor Franz Josef

Suzanne Pearson* North American Delegate of the Emperor Karl Prayer League; eloquent, illuminating & passionate speaker on all things Blessed Karl. Her talk this time: Why Bl. Karl is the Perfect Saint for Today

Charles Coulombe* — currently living and researching in Austria: author, historian, lecturer, Bl. Karl biographer [most recently, Blessed Charles of Austria: A Holy Emperor and His Legacy;] currently working on biographies of Empress Zita and son, Crown Prince Otto]

HIRH Princess Maria-Anna Habsburg-Galitzine* granddaughter of Blessed Karl

*Note: Understand that due to unforeseen circumstances, in this day and age of odd travel restrictions, speakers cannot be guaranteed, especially considering several are coming from other countries.

The Symposium is also pleased to host a raffle with several very special Blessed Karl-related items! Tickets are sold on-site.

For questions/comments, contact Symposium Director: David Ross
(214) 341-0240 [no texting]

Clergy and Religious Admittance is free; contact symposium director for tickets.


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Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC, with Ambassador Habsburg-Lothringen

Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC, with Ambassador Habsburg-Lothringen

Karl Poster 2021.jpg

Guest of Honor

His Excellency Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen, Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Following Mass will be veneration of a First Class Relic of Blessed Karl and a reception with a presentation on Blessed Karl by Ambassador Habsburg-Lothringen in the lower lever in the parish building south of the church.

This year’s October 21 feast day falls exactly on the centenary of Karl's second return attempt to Hungary.

Metro: Exit at Gallery Place/Chinatown or Judiciary Square.

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Solemn Pontifical Mass for Blessed Karl in Gainesville, Virginia

Solemn Pontifical Mass for Blessed Karl in Gainesville, Virginia

Guest of Honor

Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, Archduchess of Austria and Grand-daughter of Blessed Karl

His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C., Auxiliary Bishop Diocese of Mary Most Holy Astana, Kazakhstan, Celebrant and Homilist

Veneration of a 1st Class Relic of Blessed Karl will follow the Mass. A reception and program will immediately follow Mass in the Parish Hall.

Click for more information on Holy Trinity Church.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in San Francisco, California

Mass for Blessed Karl in San Francisco, California

San Francisco, pontifical Mass.jpg

On October 21, 2021,, His Excellency Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the traditional rite for the feast of Blessed Karl, Emperor of Austria, at the church of St Mary in Vacaville, California. The Mass will begin at 6pm, followed by a reception.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Funchal, Portugal

Mass for Blessed Karl in Funchal, Portugal

On October 21, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., the Gebetsliga invites you to Mass for the Feast of Blessed Karl of Austria. The Mass will take place on Portugal’s island of Madeira at the Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Monte. +Nuno Brás, Bishop of Funchal, will serve as celebrant and homilist. Located at the heart of the city, this church houses the tomb of the body of Blessed Karl.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Rome, Italy

Mass for Blessed Karl in Rome, Italy

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On October 21, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., the Gebetsliga invites you to the Official Mass for the Feast of Blessed Karl of Austria. The Mass will take place in Rome’s church of Santa Maria dell’Anima and will be celebrated by the rector, Rev. Michael Max.

Located just west of the Piazza Navona, the church was founded during the course of the 14th century by Dutch merchants, who at that time belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. In the course of the 15th century, it became the national church of the whole Holy Roman Empire in Rome and henceforth the so-called German national church and hospice of German-speaking people in Rome.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Scranton, PA

Mass for Blessed Karl in Scranton, PA

On October 21, 2021, at 7:45 a.m., a Low Mass for the Feast of Blessed Karl will be celebrated at St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church in Scranton, PA by Fr Dorsa FSSP.

St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church is a parish of the Diocese of Scranton under the stewardship of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

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Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

The Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre invites you to Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. Home to a Shrine of Blessed Karl, the Basilica received a relic of Blessed Karl on October 17, 2021,  in the presence of over 400 people. To visit there website, click here.

Following the Mass will be veneration of a 1st Class relic of Blessed Karl.

Rev. Marc LamotteI, Vicar, Basilica of Tongre

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Lecture on Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

Lecture on Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

Join Charles A. Coulombe, author of Blessed Charles of Austria: A Holy Emperor and His Legacy, on Friday August 6 at 7 p.m. at Saint Thomas Apostle Church, Washington DC, for a lecture on Blessed Karl. Guests will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q/A session as well as the opportunity to purchase books for signing and autographing. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Charles Coulombe has spent the last few years in Austria doing research for his book and all things related to the Imperial Family. Coulombe is one of North America's most respected and sought-after commentators on culture, religion, history, and politics. A specialist in the history and government of the Catholic Church, Coulombe's influence and expertise extend far beyond matters religious. He is a member of the Knights of Peter Claver and is currently studying Theology at the International Theological Institute in Trumau, Austria.

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Solemn Vespers and Lecture on Blessed Karl in New York City

Solemn Vespers and Lecture on Blessed Karl in New York City

Join Fr. Seán Connolly on Monday, August, 2, 2021 at 6 p.m. for Solemn Vespers at the historic Most Holy Redeemer Church, New York, NY. Following Vespers, Charles Coulombe, author of Blessed Charles of Austria: A Holy Emperor and His Legacy, will offer a lecture on Blessed Karl. The lecture is free and open to the public. Click for more information about Most Holy Redeemer Church.

Charles Coulombe has spent the last few years in Austria doing research for his book and all things related to the Imperial Family. Coulombe is one of North America's most respected and sought-after commentators on culture, religion, history, and politics. A specialist in the history and government of the Catholic Church, Coulombe's influence and expertise extend far beyond matters religious. He is a member of the Knights of Peter Claver and is currently studying Theology at the International Theological Institute in Trumau, Austria.

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