The Gebetsliga
German for Prayer League, the Gebetsliga has roots as early as 1887 and serves as the official promoter of the Cause of Canonization for Blessed Karl. Today, League members across nearly every continent work to share the life and witness of Blessed Karl. We invite you to join us in becoming a member.
From youth, a small group enveloped Karl in prayer.
Karl of the House of Austria was born on August 17, 1887, at Schloss Persenbeug in Lower Austria, to a devout Catholic family.
When Karl was eight-years-old, a Hungarian stigmatist nun named Mother Vinzentia Fauland prophesied that the young Archduke should be enveloped in prayer because he would become Emperor, suffer greatly, and become a target of Hell. A small group was formed to pray for him and his intentions throughout his life.
Sr. Fauland’s prophesy came true some years later when Karl assumed the throne in 1916. He suffered greatly during his two year reign, and eventually was exiled to Madeira where he died at the young age of 34 in 1922.
Soon after, the group that had carried him in prayer throughout life now promoted him as a heavenly intercessor and advocate for peace. The group gained ecclesiastical status and became known as the Kaiser Karl Gebetsliga für den Völkerfrieden—the Emperor Karl League of Prayer for Peace Among Nations.
Today, the League of Prayer serves as the promoter for the Cause of Canonization of Blessed. With 1,000s of members and a presence across six continents, the League continues to share Blessed Karl’s life and holy witness.
Our Emblem
The Gebetsliga Emblem dates to the foundation of the League of Prayer in the 1920s. At the center is the cross and crown of thorns, recalling the passion of Christ and Blessed Karl’s share in it. Around the edge is the League’s motto Oratio et Satisfactio—prayer and satisfaction. Members are called to pray and make satisfaction—to make sacrifices for sin for the salvation of the world.
Are you called to be a Member?
Do you wish to make daily sacrifices, better discern God’s Will, and work for peace? We invite you to discern becoming a League Member.
Make a donation.
Generous freewill donations by Members and faithful alike make events, speakers, and special Masses possible. Donations are 100% tax-deductible.