Blessed Karl Relics

Authentic Relics of Blessed Karl are only authorized and distributed by the Gebetsliga. Each carries the proper seals and authenticates. The faithful should avoid obtaining relics through Etsy, Ebay, and other online auction houses where fraudulent relics are often sold.

  • First class relics are the earthly mortal remains of saints, and are classified as being sacred relics. These remains could be any part of the body, be it bone, flesh (either skin or organs), and even hair. All First Class Relics of Blessed Karl have been taken from his ribs.

    First Class Relics of must be requested by a pastor/rector who officially attests that he is erecting a permanent shrine in a church/chapel. This shrine is to consist of the following:

    1) The relic and a large image (e.g. painting or statue) of Blessed Karl

    2) An Intention Book for the faithful to write their intentions and record prayers that have been granted

    3) A place for holy cards to be distributed

    All First Class Relic request must be accompanied by written authorization from the local bishop.

  • A Second Class Relics are the clothing or possessions owned or used by a saint during their lifetime. These may include items like clothing, jewelry, and photographs.

    No Second Class relics are available.

  • A Third Class Relics is any item, new or old, that has made contact with the remains of a saint or pressed against their tomb or reliquary.

    Third class relic prayer cards are available gratis in our online store. Each card contains a small piece of cloth that has been touched touched to bones and tomb of Blessed Karl.

Blessed Karl Shrines

There are over 100 Shrines dedicated to Blessed Karl around the globe. New Shrines are established each year, so please check our listing often. We invite you to contact each Shrine to prior to your visit.

Tomb of Blessed Karl

Nossa Senhora do Monte Church, Funchal, Portugal


Asia/Australia/South Pacific

  • St. Dominic Church, Sydney

  • Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace, Manila


  • Augustinerkirche, Vienna

    Kapuzinerkirche, Vienna

    Karlskirche, Vienna

    Peterskirche, Vienna

    Schlosskapelle Hetzendorf, Vienna

    Schulbrüder, Vienna

    Stift Geras Franziskanerkloser, Maria Enzersdorf (Niederösterreich)

    St. Georg, Dom zu Wiener (Niederösterreich)

    Pfarrkirche Oberwaltersdorf (Niederösterreich)

    Frauenkirche Baden (Niederösterreich)

    Prandtauerkirche, St. Pölten (Niederösterreich)

    Minoritenkirche, Linz (Oberösterriech)

    Pfarre Lamprechtshausen (Salzburg)

    Basilka Mariazell (Steiermark)

    Schlosskapell Trautenburg, (Steiermark)

    Pfarrkirche St. Veit, Voggau (Steiermark)

    St. Jakob am Walde (Steiermark)

    Schulbrüder, Maria Laubegg (Steiermark)

    Schlosskapelle, Waldstein (Steiermark)

    Basilika des Herz-Jesu-Kloister, Hall (Tirol)

    Pfarrkirche, Imsterberg (Tirol)

    Stift Stams (Tirol)

    Kirche am Kalvarienberg, Zirl (Tirol)

    Kloisterkirche in Martinsbühel, Zirl (Tirol)

    Schulbrüder Feldkirch (Vorarlberg)

  • Notre Dame au Sablon, Brussels

    la Basilique de Tongre Notre Dame

  • Maltese Church, Prague

    Parish Church of Zeletava, bei Brünn

  • Saint Bede, Stafford

  • La Madeleine, Paris

    Abbay Sainte Cécile, Solesmes

    Notre Dame de Bon Voyages, Cannes

    Abbaye Notre Dame de Triors

    Abbaye Fontgombault

    Abbaye Randol

    Abbaye Gaussan

    Abbaye St. Anna, Plouharnel

    Saint Pierre d' Arene, Nice

  • Tutenhausen, Rosenheim

    St. Petrus, Neckarsulm

    Dorfkirche Perg

    Kloster van Halle

    Alt St. Peter Kirche, Körrenzig

    Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Neustadt

    St. Thomas Morus, München

    St. Jakobus Kapelle, Trabitz

    Schlosskapelle Moos (Niederbayern)

    Maria Vesperbild, Ziemetshausen

    Pfarrkiche Klotten

    Abtei Lichtenthall

  • Szent István Bazilika, Budapest

    Mátyás templom (koronázási), Budapest

    Máriaremete-Basilika, Budapest

    St. Joseph Parish Church, Baja

    Chapel, Cirák

    Castle Parish Church, Gödöllö

    St. Berthold Parish Church, Gyöngyös

    Main Cathedral, Kalocsa

    Saint Elizabeth of the House of Árpáden Parish House, Körmend

    Plebania Hivatal, Hercegzanto, Kossuth Layos

    Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Antonius, Nagykároly (Carei)

    Little Brothers Parish Church, Nyirbátor

    Benedictine Abbey, Pannonhalma

    Cathedral and Bishop’s Palace, Szombathely

    Tihany Abbey, Tihany

    Franciscan Parish House, Zalaegerszeg

  • Santa Maria dell'Anima, Rome

    Santa Toscana, Verona

    San Gottardo, Brescia

    Sacro Cuore, Catania

    San Salvatore da Horta, Orta di Atella

    Cattedrale Novara

    Beata Vergine Assunta, Gravellona Lomellina

    Santa Margherita, Pantifliate, Milan

    Cattedrale Vigevano

    San Michele Arcangelo, Varese

    Croce Santa, San Severo

  • Nossa Senhora do Monte Church, Funchal

    Cathedral Plaza, Funchal

  • Communidad San José, Malaga

  • Benedictinerabtei, Hauterive

Middle East

  • Church of the Maronites, Beirut

North America

  • Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Vancouver, British Columbia

  • Marianist Community, West Hills, California

    Epiphany Catholic Church, Tampa, Florida

    Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, Jasper, Georgia

    Mary Our Queen Parish, Peachtree Corners, Georgia

    St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, Illinois

    St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, Kentucky

    Retreat Center, Lake Charles, Louisiana

    Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church, South Deerfield, Massachusetts

    St. Adelaide’s Church, Peabody, Massachusetts

    St. Agnes Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

    St. John the Evangelist Church, New Prague, Minnesota

    St. Michael and St. Mary, Stillwater, Minnesota

    Old Saint Patrick's Oratory, Kansas City, Missouri

    St. Mary of Victory Church, St. Louis, Missouri

    Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Malverne, New York

    Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Old St. Mary’s Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

    Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey, Hulbert, Oklahoma

    St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pennsylvania

    Prince of Peace Church, Taylors, South Carolina

    St. Mary the Virgin Catholic Church, Arlington, Texas

    Mater Dei Parish, Irving, Texas

    St. Paul’s Church, Hague, Virginia

    St. Mary Mother of God Church, Washington, DC

  • Monasterio Benedictino, Chihuahua

South America

  • Carmelo Imaculado Coracao de Maria, Cotia, São Paolo

  • Saint Damian, Maltese Church, Santiago

    Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Santiago