Pilgrims of Hope
A Jubilee Year is traditionally proclaimed by the Universal Church every 25 years. It is a particular year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on the spiritual life. The 2025 Jubilee is centered on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Jubilee — A Year for “New Strength”
The 2025 Jubilee is centered on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” As His Holiness Pope Francis so beautifully expressed it, “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision." The Jubilee began on December 24, 2024, with the official Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica, and runs to January 6, 2026, the Feast Day of Epiphany, with the Closing of the Holy Door.
A Jubilee Year is traditionally proclaimed by the Universal Church every 25 years. It is a particular year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on the spiritual life. In the Hebrew tradition, as recorded in Leviticus, a Jubilee was celebrated every 50 years with the freeing of slaves and the forgiveness of debts.
In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Christian Jubilee, and since then the Church has designated each new Jubilee as a special year of grace and forgiveness, offering the faithful an opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence.
The "Holy Door" symbolizes Jesus Christ as the door to salvation — the passage from sin to grace (John 10:7). A very important symbolic act performed by each pilgrim during a Jubilee has been to pass through a Holy Door and even kiss its jamb. When pilgrims cross it, they symbolically enter into God's presence and embrace new life in the Lord Jesus.
The 5 Holy Doors of the 2025 Jubilee
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.
Padre que estás en el cielo, la fe que nos has donado en tu Hijo Jesucristo, nuestro hermano, y la llama de caridad infundida en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo, despierten en nosotros la bienaventurada esperanza en la venida de tu Reino.
Tu gracia nos transforme en dedicados cultivadores de las semillas del Evangelio que fermenten la humanidad y el cosmos, en espera confiada de los cielos nuevos y de la tierra nueva, cuando vencidas las fuerzas del mal, se manifestará para siempre tu gloria.
La gracia del Jubileo reavive en nosotros, Peregrinos de Esperanza, el anhelo de los bienes celestiales y derrame en el mundo entero la alegría y la paz de nuestro Redentor.
A ti, Dios bendito eternamente, sea la alabanza y la gloria por los siglos. Amén.

What does it mean to be a Pilgrim of Hope?
“The one who has hope lives differently; the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life.” - Pope Benedict XVI
The word "pilgrim" comes from the Latin word peregrinus, which means “foreigner" or "stranger.” It is made up of the words per, meaning “through,” and ager, meaning “field” or “land.”
To the world, hope is wishful thinking—I hope my husband gets the car washed; I hope I win the lottery. For the Christian though, hope is a theological virtue that says and reveals something about God Himself. For the Christian, hope is placing trust in Christ's promises and relying not on one’s own strength, but on the grace of the Holy Spirit. Hope is the desire for eternal happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven.
To be a Pilgrim of Hope is a choice to live differently from the world; to sacrifice all for the pursuit of Heaven.

Jubilee Hallmarks
The idea of a Jubilee Year has roots in the Old Testament. In Leviticus 25, God commanded the Israelites to observe a Year of Jubilee every fifty years. The year was hallmarked by four practices: debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, property was returned/people sojourned home, and rest was observed. The point was to learn and grow from what was practiced.
Today, the Jubilee Year offers faithful an unique spiritual and practical opportunity to employ these ancient disciplines as well. Below are the four hallmarks with some guiding questions to engage this Year of Hope.
Who do I need to forgive?
What do I need to let go of?
What do I need to forgive myself for so I can begin to heal?
What am I in bondage to?
What sin or habit do I finally need to acknowledge?
Am I oppressive or do I take advantage of someone or some group in my life?
Is there a family member or friend I’ve ostracized?
Have I ignored someone in my life?
What a sin or habit has ruptured my relationship with God?
What good have I abandoned and need to reclaim?
What situation do I need to stop stirring up and let rest?
Do I need to take on less work?
Where do I overextend myself habitually?
Do I observe a sabbath and the Lord’s Day?
Obtaining a Jubilee Indulgence
The Vatican has detailed how to obtain plenary indulgences — removing temporal punishment for sin through Christ’s merits — during the 2025 Jubilee Year. Requirements: detachment from sin (even venial), confession within about 20 days, Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions (e.g., an Our Father and Hail Mary). Each indulgence requires a separate Communion and prayer, ideally on the day of the indulgence act. Only one plenary indulgence can be obtained per day, but a second is possible if applied to souls in purgatory.
Ways to obtain the indulgence include:
National — The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., is the only nationally designated “Jubilee site” in the U.S. While there, participate in Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, Stations of the Cross, the Rosary or Akathist, a penance service, or a celebration of the Word of God.
International — In Rome, visit St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major or St. Paul Outside the Walls. In the Holy Land, visit the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem), Basilica of the Nativity (Bethlehem) or Basilica of the Annunciation (Nazareth).
Close to Home — Visit any site designated for Jubilee pilgrimages by the local bishop.
Pilgrimage Sites — To any site listed in the “Pilgrimages” section above, spend time in Eucharistic adoration, concluding with the Our Father, a Profession of Faith, and prayers to Mary.
Italy —Do the same at any of six other churches in Rome (Santa Croce, San Lorenzo, San Sebastiano, Divino Amore, Santo Spirito in Sassia, Tre Fontane), the “Iter Europaeum” route (28 churches connected to European nations), the “Patronesses and Doctors” route (seven churches dedicated to female saints), the Roman Catacombs, or five churches outside Rome (St. Francis and the Portiuncula in Assisi, St. Anthony in Padua, Our Lady of Loreto, Our Lady of Pompei).
Close to Home —Do the same at any church designated by a local bishop, or any basilica, cathedral or shrine (Marian, national or international) worldwide.
Those impeded by “serious reasons” — cloistered religious, the elderly, the sick, prisoners, caregivers — can get the indulgence by uniting spiritually with pilgrims, especially through EWTN or other media, and reciting an Our Father and Creed, “offering up their sufferings or the hardships of their lives.”
Formation — Participate in a study on the Vatican II documents or the Catechism, held in a church or other suitable place, “according to the mind of the Holy Father.”
Visits — Spend time with those in need — the sick, prisoners, lonely elderly, the disabled — “making a pilgrimage to Christ present in them.”
Fasting and Abstinence — In a spirit of penance, give up “futile distractions” (real or online) and “superfluous consumption” (through fasting, abstinence or almsgiving) for at least one day.
Defend Life and Volunteer — Support efforts defending life at all stages or helping abandoned children, struggling youth, the needy, lonely elderly or migrants. Do acts of community service.
Blessing — Receive the “papal blessing” from your bishop.

Blessed Karl’s Relic in Rome
A Jubilee Companion
From the earliest days of the Church, the saints have been intercessors and spiritual companions to the faithful on pilgrimage.
For those journeying to Rome for the Jubilee Pilgrimage, we invite you to add the Church of Santa Maria dell’Anima to your pilgrimage destinations. It is the only Church in the Eternal City with a permanent shrine and relic of Blessed Karl for public veneration.
Unable to travel to Rome? With nearly 100 shrines to Blessed Karl globally, consider making a pilgrimage to one as as part of your local Jubilee devotions. For a complete shrine listing, click here.
The Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima, Rome
The Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima (Our Lady of the Soul) is located in central Rome just steps from Piazza Navona. With roots as early as the 14th century, it became known as the German national church, hospice, and parish for the German-speaking people in Rome. The Church’s Pietà side altar contains a 1st relic of Blessed Karl—the only permanent shrine with a relic of Blessed Karl available for public veneration in the Eternal City.
Church Open (during lecture periods*)
Daily: 9 am to 12:45 pm and 3 pm to 7 pm. Closed Wednesday morningService Times (during lecture periods*)
Evening Liturgy: Monday to Friday: 6:00 pm. Saturday Evening Mass: 6 pmCommunity Mass
Sundays and public holidays: 10 amConfessions (during lecture time*)
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 12:45 pm (except Wednesday) and 3 pm to 7 pm (not during church service)
Saturday: 9 am to 12:45 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm*For opening and church service times outside of lecture periods, please note the information in the current community newsletter.
Email: gemeinde@pisma.it
Website: https://www.pisma.it/ -
Santa Maria dell’Anima is located at Via di Santa Maria dell’Anima 65, 00186 Rome, IT. It is a 5 minute walk from the famous Piazza Navona. Click the Google Map below to explore the location.
Jubilee Links
Jubilee Churches
Events Calendar
Pilgrim Office
What is a Jubilee?
Past Jubilees