Gebetsliga Delegate Leads Word on Fire Lenten Retreat

The Word on Fire Institute is introducing the first-ever Word on Fire Lenten Retreat in 2025. This seven-part online retreat will be led by Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, a Delegate the Gebetsliga USA / Canada. Father Boniface is a Benedictine monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey where he serves as both the Director of Spiritual Formation and Director of the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary and Program Director for WAOB (We Are One Body) radio station, Latrobe. He is a renowned spiritual director, author, and retreat master.

The Retreat

This online Lenten Retreat will provide an opportunity to deepen your prayer life and intimacy with Christ by focusing on the inner life, that is, the life of prayer and unabashed communion. It is an opportunity to cultivate a mysticism that permits you to see “the desert as the place of our first love.” (Pope Francis, Lent Message 2024)

What You Will Experience

Week 1: Slowing Down, Returning to the Heart, Listening as the Body Speaks the Language of the Soul
Week 2: The Heart of Jesus Burns with Love for You and Invites You to Deeper Intimacy with Him
Week 3: Transform Your Lent by Offering Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving from the Heart
Week 4: An Oasis in the Desert—Drinking from the Streams of Love Flowing from the Heart of Jesus
Week 5: Consoling the Heart of Jesus—Receiving His Love and Mercy, Let Yourself Be Loved
Week 6: Loving Jesus like St. Therese of Lisieux—Act of Oblation to Merciful Love
​Week 7: Reparation—Becoming God’s Mercy for Others to Build a Civilization of Love


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