Giving Tuesday Generosity Funds New League Projects
Blessed Karl Relic Prayer Cards are assembled by the Carmelite nuns of St. Thérèse of Lisieux Carmel, Loretto, PA, USA.
In 2012, Giving Tuesday was created as a day to encourage people to do good and give back. Since then, it has grown into an annual global movement that inspires millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Mindful of Blessed Karl's generous spirit in life and heavenly intercession today, the Gebetsliga USA / Canada was proud to participate in Giving Tuesday from December 3 to 10, 2024, by launching our very first giving campaign. It encompassed four unique sponsorship and giving opportunities: $2,000 for the creation of a new sterling silver medal of Blessed Karl by Italian artisans; $2,500 for the creation of a new traditionally-written icon of Blessed Karl; $5,000 for the production of 50,000 Relic Prayer Cards; and $10,000 for the creation and development of a Blessed Karl Children's picture book. The combined projects' goal was $19,500.
The response and support from devotees and friends of Blessed Karl was overwhelming with donations coming from the Americas, Canada, and Europe. Thanks to the generosity of 30 donors and a $2,500 matching gift opportunity, we have raised $12,755. These financial gifts have allowed us to fully fund the production of a new sterling silver medal, traditionally-written icon, and 50,000 Relic Prayer Cards in both English and Spanish. All items are projected to be completed and available in our online store Spring 2025.
From all of us at the League, thank you, thank you! When we began our online store, it was with the commitment that we would only produce and make available holy reminders that are beautiful, well-made, ethically sourced, and commissioned from global artisans so as to foster the creation of new, sacred art. While this level of quality demands a higher financial investment, we believe it is a worthy endeavor and remain true to our vision because of the generous support and patronage we receive. Our profound and continued thanks to you and the guiding intercession of Blessed Karl which brings all the good work Our Lord has begun to fruition.
Sterling Silver Blessed Karl Medal
Lead Sponsor Daniel Hoven
Traditionally-Written Icon of Blessed Karl
Lead Sponsor Daniel Hoven
50,000 Relic Prayer Cards in English and Spanish
Lead Sponsor Daniel Hoven
Matching Gift Sponsor David Langdon
Patron Sponsors
Fr. Eric Andersen, Matthew Baldassano, Morgan Baxter, Pauline Bedard, Gerlinde Brait, Lucas Brown, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Christopher Cummins, Derrie Edge, Robert Garrison, Jonathan Hall, Penny Harrison, Verena Jurković, Ed Kise, Monique Krestyn, Shellie Manley, Michael Matochik, Nicholas Mclean, Fr. Richard Mullins, James Nelson, Cayden O’Brien, Jason Reimbold, Lucas Rios, Andrew Rota, Stephen Schmaltz, David Shrimp, Max Vekich, Cole Yeargin
If you've donated and do not see your name on the list or it appears incorrectly, the error is entirely ours and we apologize. Simply email us and we will correct it immediately.