Prayer to Blessed Karl During Coronavirus
With the global outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are reminded of the fragility of our lives and our common humanity — that the peoples of this world are our brothers and sisters made in God’s image and likeness. The Gebetsliga joins the global community in prayer for all affected by the coronavirus and an end to the pandemic.
Prayer to Blessed Karl During Coronavirus
Karl Our Intercessor, 2020, Deacon Jordan Hainsey
Blessed Karl, you accepted the difficult tasks and challenges that God gave you during your life and you trusted always in Our Lord Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Come now to our aid amidst the global spread of the coronavirus and intercede for us.
Be with those who have died; usher them into God’s merciful embrace and comfort all who grieve their passing.
Heal those who are sick that they may regain strength and health of mind, body, and spirit.
Guide leaders of nations with right judgement to enact all decisions in peace and love.
Strengthen doctors, nurses, and scientists with the wisdom, knowledge, and compassion of the Divine Physician.
Dispel our fear, anxiety, and pride that we may work with all peoples and nations for peace and unity.
Give us faith and courage that we may experience and give God’s healing touch.
May we place our lives in the hands of God, until we reach Him, as you did, through Christ our Lord.